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Find Great Wine (And Food) Around The World

Plus must-haves to stay healthy while traveling

Good morning Traveler,

This week, we’re diving into a culinary adventure that will tantalize your taste buds and elevate your travel plans. Whether you’re a wine connoisseur or a foodie seeking the best flavors, we have something for you.

Discover the charm and elegance of Europe’s premier wine regions. From the rolling vineyards of Tuscany to the historic cellars of Bordeaux, our top 5 picks will take you on a journey through some of the most exquisite wine-producing areas. Each destination offers not just world-class wines, but also breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural experiences. 

The United States boasts an impressive array of wines that have made their mark in 2023. Whether you’re a fan of robust reds or crisp whites, find the finest selections that are sure to impress your palate. Explore the diversity and innovation of American winemaking with our guide. 

Fusion cuisine brings together the best of multiple culinary traditions, creating dishes that are unique and mouthwatering. Check out the world’s tastiest fusion foods and the top spots where you can savor them.

And make sure to check out the travel tip this week for must-haves to stay healthy while traveling! 

Cheers to new adventures!

The Travel Awaits Team

Weekly Travel Tip:

Did you know the US Government keeps tabs on its citizens when they travel in case of emergency? Thats right. The US Gov is prepared to bail you out if needed, although it’s really a hassle.


How To Make Friends Abroad: A Traveler’s Guide

For millennia, wine has been the alcoholic drink of choice for humankind. You might imagine the Ancient Greeks sipping on wine and gnawing on bunches of grapes, but archaeologists believe the first bottles were aged back in Armenia around 4,600 BC. Let’s take a closer look at some of the best cities in Europe to sample wines, along with their top-rated wine-tasting tours.


Tastiest 2023 US Wines According To The DWWA & US Wine

Thanks to ongoing efforts in Napa Valley and Sonoma County, US wines have started to gain international attention. Other West Coast states like Oregon and Washington have also made waves with their white and red wines.

When was wine first made?

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The World’s Tastiest Fusion Foods & Where To Eat Them

From the dawn of humankind, we’ve taken our culinary traditions with us around the world. But some twists on food are decidedly modern, leading some culinary writers to adopt the term ‘fusion food’ back in the 1990s.


Staying Healthy On The Road: 5 Products I Won’t Travel Without

Even a slight cough or cramp can throw a wrench into travel plans. Mild sickness creates unneeded stress, and can also keep travelers (or others in their group) confined to a hotel room. To stay healthy on the road, consider building up a medical arsenal with a few easy-to-pack supplies. Along with the basics, these products are designed to keep travelers energized and ready to explore.


Invite Only: How To Vacation On A Private Caribbean Island

Around the world, travelers have started to seek out these invite-only destinations in search of a more secluded and exclusive vacation.

But just how many private islands are available to the public?

Depending on the region, there might be a few options or a handful. For now, let’s focus on the US’s nearest tropical paradise: the Caribbean.


Looking For A Travel Podcast? Start Here

Since the podcast craze took hold, a bevy of new travel shows have hit the air. These cover a truly diverse range of topics. Some are comedic and topical, others are geared toward travel tips and guides, and a select few come from award-winning producers.

I’ve dug in to find a few of the most impactful podcasts. Each travel podcast listed below is highly rated, recommended by listeners, and ready to revolutionize your approach to travel.

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